Hello my dears - thought I would very quickly share a few bits with you before school pick up.. 
Not much happening really.. I've made a few patterns, found a few friends making things for Xmas markets.. 
Thinking of having a few bits made. The problem is that I can't think or organise beyond next week Friday and lots of these things are booked, paid for, and organised like a year in advance. A whole year. Who in the blazzers is that organised,? not little ol me for sure. I can only just organise a dentist appointment in advance, so there is no way I'm going to get that organised. Alas - I won't let it kill me, I will try and do something. 

Our dishwasher machine thingy decided that enough was enough the other day. Obviously not to be undone, you sort of convince yourself, ha, that's no problemo, we can eat out, wash up - or just not eat... but no.. !
With 5 people in our house, we all went into melt down mode. For a start our kitchen is not designed around washing up being a pleasure - the sink is for used tea bags and that's about all - no flies on us.
After three days even our 3 year old started to complain his milk didn't taste right. We cave in and pay a man 250 shinys to retrieve a kids car part from inside somewhere. Thanks. Felt quite sorry for the man - I mean he could hardly get to the thing for all the dirty pots over taking every surface in our kitchen. Gross. The acid test was he accepted a cup of coffee which you never do if your in someones house you think is filthy. 

So what else, oh, yes I made a few patterns for the latest brief in Moyo Mag issue 5. I don't normally do them because I either forget or think - hmmm what to do. Then I move off to something else and again forget..

But this time - I went back to basics, thought about the brief, what colours came to me and took a few pics. 
I'm loving grey and orange right now - 

Anyway - recently I've been taking a class in Nicoles Classes, they are of course on line. ( as practically everything is these days) - You can find the one I took here. 
So one of my ideas was to use the snowflake I had made and sort of use that as a basis for the 'Winter theme'. 

Anyway I know there is some room for improvement - but not bad for a days work. A fixed dishwasher too.. we can eat again. xxx


Hello peps..
Gosh have I been busy, busy as Larry, busier than you can imagine.. you see I have 3 little ones, actually one if them is almost as tall as me and she's only 9 - but they do take up so much time. Time I just don't have - I so want to be doing lovely things with my time, but nope, I don't - I do washing and homely things, I break the dishwasher, I tidy up, tidy up tidy up. I've done so much tidying over the past few weeks, I'm like the Tidy up Queen.. you see nothing ever ever stays in the same place that I put it around here. Like NOTHING. You would think that 28 people live in my house. Or just 5 very lazy ones. Perhaps we could just buy a new house and sort of spread out the messiness so it's not so noticeable.? I'm sure everyone who has just completed the illegal marathon of stress called the school holidays will agree.. or at least part agree. 

Still - I have been on a lovely holiday - note picture above, I took at a NT place called.. Lanhydrock   Lovely place, big gardens. I like big gardens, makes me feel much more relaxed when I'm outside doing stuff.  Took some fabulous pictures too. Saw my friend the 'Wood man' who brings our wood, amazing who you meet when on holiday - the world is getting smaller, or I'm getting older and sound like my Dad now.

Anyways today my title is Wind Sock - I just can't control myself. I think I know what I am doing with my patterns and indeed am taking a fab course at the moment with Nicoles classes called Embelishments. Here are a couple of things I made in the first day - (more to follow).. 

I've always wanted to do Damask - well at least since I saw them on this site in fabulous fabric - I've wanted to do Damask.. 

So -  that's all for now. 

Trina x

p.s I've added a little pin button if you would like to 'pin' me. (obviously not literally pin me but pinterest me - well you know what I mean). Thanks.


OK, I get it, I get it, I get it.. 
Pinterest is amazing - I've been so blown away at what this platform can do - I've discovered so many new ideas on how to use it and what it should be about it. How? I've been watching a free webinar. (what's that? ) a 3 day workshop on Creative live - video format of teaching. 

I think I'm going to become a Pinterest fan of all fans. Here is my first test.. I took the picture above at a flower show last year. Believe me if you want to run out now and buy a blue poppy - well I'll tell you, they are 'tricky' to say the least. 

So lets see if this pin - which follows the advise of make your pictures beautiful.. 
I think this is beautiful, do you?

You can find (and follow I hope ) my board here.. 

Thanks for looking. 
