Moyo Magazine feature and new name

Yeh - I was featured in the Moyo Magazine 3rd Issue.. something to tell everyone about..
Here is the link if you missed it..

For those of you with beedy eyes, of course I'm not Lilly and Sage, but Surface Hug now.. rebranding necessary for keeping in the swing of things, finding my own identity and not necessarily being mistaken for a lady who takes her clothes off 'a lot' for money..

Phew.. what a journey.. its been a big one, that's why I've been so quite, but I've now finished my course ABSPD.. yey.. so pleased, but not pleased. I made so many friends and had such a lovely time doing it that it will stay with me forever I think but I miss it. Those little posting every day became my comfort blanket of necessary creativity each day. I was forced to do things outside of my zone, sometimes more successfully than others I might add.

So will post a lot more about it shortly.
I'm sorry but this blog will be changing names back to soon but I hope you stick with me.. !


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